Welcome to the Vegetables documentation

What is Vegetables?

Vegetables is a static Web site generator, based on Markdown documents.

What, another one?

Yes... you're right... with its proper lot of lakes and cool features.

And I hope the lakes count will decrease quickly.

Ok, what are the cool features?

Many formats for the same document

With the same Markdown, it is possible to generate many HTML documents at once.

For example:

  • a normal version like the page you are reading
  • a Markdown raw version
  • and...


...and the same, as slideshows, ready to be displayed with reveal.js.

The result: each document is accessible as a slideshow like this one without any additional effort.

A lot of customisable tags

Vegetables provides a lot of tags that can be displayed in the generated Web pages, thanks to the template.

Clearly, templates are highly customisable.

Do not change your behaviour

When you write Markdown, your aim is not always to make a Web site or a slideshow.

But once your document is written, you may need it.
That's why Vegetables adds automatically slides separators for the slideshow version, or support tags per document in the configuration file.

You Markdown documents remain clean, and can be used directly.

And it remains possible to use Frontmatter and tags written in the Markdown documents.


Start Vegetables once, view the result in your favorite browser, update documents in your text editor, content is automatically refreshed in the browser.

That's all. It's quite simple.

And the others?


You can create your own templates easily, as it is HTML documents with Handlebars tags.

Automatic deployment on GitHub pages

If the documentation you have written is your GitHub project documentation, type vegetables deploy and your project will automatically provide a Web site, available at https://your-github-login.github.io/your-project/.

In fact, like the Vegetables documentation.

Multiple layout

It is possible to give different layout to pages, for example a style for the homepage, and another for other pages.

Of course, each layout can have its own formats.

Layouts are configurable per page.

The future

You can take a look at the roadmap page to know what will be the next features (cool or not). For example:

  • automatic deployment with FTP on your own Web hosting
  • new tags, like toc, partial, sitemap, ...

If you are interested in the past things, go to the changelog.

You want to try?

Get started!